Kategorie: Engravable Watches

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Nixon Engraved Watch FAQs

How much does engraving a watch cost?

It costs an extra $20 to have your Nixon watch engraved. Keep an eye out for free engraving promotions throughout the year!

How long will it take for me to receive my engraved watch?

Generally, it takes 5-10 business days to process and ship a custom-engraved watch. This estimate can change depending on the time of year in which the engraved watch is purchased. During the holiday season for example, we get a ton of orders for custom watches. And since we have a small team fulfilling these orders, it can take a little longer to receive an engraved watch purchased during the holidays.

Also, keep in mind that purchasing expedited shipping only affects the shipping time. Expedited shipping does not speed up the time it takes to engrave your watch.

Are there any limitations to what I can engrave on the watch?

The main limitation to consider when engraving a watch is character count. Depending on the font you select, we allow a 20-character max on 3 separate lines of text. You'll only be able to include Western characters, symbols and numbers. If you need inspiration, here are over 75 watch engraving ideas to get your juices flowing.

Gravierte Uhren verleihen einem Outfit eine Ebene von Nachdenklichkeit und Persönlichkeit, die man nicht oft findet. Das Auspacken einer gravierten Uhr sagt mehr als ein typisches Geschenk je könnte. Mit einer Nixon-Uhr erhält man bereits das höchste Maß an Design und Handwerkskunst; eine spezielle Botschaft auf der Rückseite ausgewählter Modelle hinzuzufügen zeigt, dass man sich die Zeit genommen... Read More